
Prevention Tips:
Fence it off. Make sure all pools are secured by a fence with self closing gates and self latching locks. This can help keep children away from area when parents are unable to supervise them.

Wear life jackets. Make sure children wear life jackets around all natural bodies of water, like oceans, lakes and rivers. This precaution should be taken even if they know how to swim. Adults should also wear life jackets when participating in water sports and activities.

Learn CPR. Get certified and renew it every two years. Knowing CPR can help keep someone alive with little or no brain damage.

Be on the lookout. Always supervise children around bathtubs, pool, and natural bodies of water. It only takes a brief moment for an accident to happen. When watching kids near water adults should avoid distracting activities.

1) Throw a rope attached to a buoyant object to the victim.
2) Use a long stick to reach the victim.
3) Bring a canoe or other floating device alongside the victim and tow them to shore. Do not haul the victim into the boat because they may cause the boat to capsize, putting both of you into the water. Cold water may cause victim to be unable to grasp objects within their reach or hold on to while being pulled to safety.
4) As a last resort, you can attempt a swimming rescue. Only attempt this if you are sufficiently capable. Never attempt a rescue beyond your capabilities; otherwise you could become another victim.
5) For a swimming rescue, approach the person from behind while trying to calm the victim as you move closer. A panicked victim may pull you under. If you feel the person may have neck or spine injuries, take special care to ensure a straight head-neck-back alignment. Pull the victim face up to safety. The best option is to float the victim on a floating object and tow to shore.